I had this beer on a lazy Sunday afternoon. It had been another shopping trip into the city centre of Birmingham with my other half and I managed to sneak off to the Post Office Vaults. On ordering the barman gave me a look and informed me he wasn't sure if they had any in. Apparently a group of lads had been going mental for it last night. I was lucky enough to get the last bottle in the pub.
Maneblusser, apparently means moon extinguisher, and the story goes that in the 1600s in Belgium the red moon was shining through the fog one night and a man leaving a pub saw the light on the local church tower and cried fire. People arrived to put it out, much hilarity ensued and being Belgian they started brewing beer to commemorate it.
The beer itself is distinctly ok, nothing special. I mean it's nice but I wouldn't go out of my to get one. Those fellas the previous evening must have had funny tastes, or a keen interest in 17th century stories. 3 out of 5.
On count back I realise that this is beer number 50. So it's my half century and I'm 25% of the way through. I've had some good beer, I've had some bad beer, but I have another 150 to go.